Mint HR.
Leaflet, icons & powerpoint presentations.


Mint HR act like your own internal HR department - which means you can pretty much go to them with anything people-related. Based in Leeds they offer a totally bespoke level of support. Some clients ask them to do everything, some just want Mint HR to be in the background only helping when specific situations arise, and others want something in-between. It’s totally up to you.

Tracy Carpenter, Managing Director and HR Consultant, approached me to design a leaflet that can be handed out at events and meetings. The brief was open and I was provided a list of all their services. Rather than design a standard double sided leaflet I opted for a square C-Fold 6 page, this way we could break up the content, add quotes, create icons for each service, add images and overall make it look ‘mint’.

I have continued to work with Mint HR and have also produced 2 x powerpoint presentations, one for the company, a template based on the leaflet, plus another for networking presentations that showcases Tracy on a more personable level but also professional while bringing through her personality.




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